Minggu, 24 April 2011


Senangnya hati ini karna mendapatkan sebuah penghargaan yang baru saya dapat pertama kalinya didunia maya ( blog ) ini, yaitu one lovely blog aword. Saya ucapkan banyak Terimakasih kepada KUMPULAN PUISI yang telah memberikan penghargaan ini pada saya dan terimakasih pula karna telah memberikan kepercayaan pada saya untuk menerima penghargaan ini.Semoga dengan penghargaan ini saya bisa terus bersemangat dan berkarya untuk pendapatkan penghargaan - penghargaan yang lain didunia Blogger.

Saya juga ingin memberikan penghargaan ini kepada teman - teman blogger lain sebagai rasa syukur saya, semoga kalin mau menerima penghargaan ini. Dan saya berikan penghargaan ini pada :



Rabu, 20 April 2011

My name cahya Tri Raharjo, I was born in Bandung, Central Java descent because my parents were born there, my name is eating his letter o ^ ^. but friends usually call me cahya or toads are also okay.

I was born 2 March 1993. children to 3 of 4 siblings, Nothing special in me, but clearly I am a person who likes to make friends and people who like new things, of course, new things that can give benefit and advantage for me.

I like playing games, mobile service, the streets, blogging, playing basketball and forget again ^ ^ most of the hell that I like so forget anything. I try new things in the world bloggers here I am trying to make is often about what I know because God promises that say natural breathing until we die off later that convey the good things we know to the people even though only one said.
understand, bio, resume practicing and teaching it.


Kamis, 14 April 2011

religion consists of a series of God's commands regarding actions and morals, which is carried by the par Prophet to be a guidance for mankind. Believe this and implement these teachings will bring luck and happiness to human life on earth and akhirat.we know that the lucky person is a person who has a good purpose in his life, who do not stray the wrong streets, which have a good and honorable character , and doing good deeds. Despite living amid the hustle and bustle of the world, people like this heart will always be calm, strong and full of certainty.

Faith by language means confidence or trust. Meanwhile, according to the terms mean belief about the existence of God and justify anything that comes from God by way of believing in the heart, expressed by the tongue, and prove with real charity.

Thus faith is not just understanding and confidence in the hearts, not just a pledge and not just by word of mouth alone charitable deeds but empty heart and soul. Imam Hasan Basri said, "Faith is not just wishful thinking and it's not just lip service but something with a greeting distinguished beliefs imprinted in our hearts and proved with charitable deeds.

Faith in this religion is very important and occupies a strategic position at all. By faith adl principle and basis for all human actions charity. Without faith it is not legitimate and acceptable deeds. Word of Allah in the Qur'an Surah An-Nisa '124 which means "Those who do righteous deeds, whether male or female is he one who believed that they enter into heaven, and although they were not persecuted at all."
Also in the Qur'an Surah Al-Isra '19 which means' And whoever who wants the life hereafter, and try in that direction with it really is adl adl believers then they were the people who repaid their business well. "

Stated in the hadeeth of al-Bara 'ibn' Azib radi 'reported that there is an infidel comes with masked, carrying a piece of iron then appealed to the Prophet Muhammad to be allowed to go with the Muslims to join the war. Then he said to him "Come in Islam then go to war!" Then he himself converted to Islam and went to go fight and kill. The Prophet SAW said "He's doing a good deed rewarded with little but a lot of merit reply.".
The mention of faith in the Qur'an LBH than 840 kali1 no other shows the position and its position in Islam according to Allah SWT.


Selasa, 12 April 2011

Segala puji hanya milik-MU ya Allah …. Tiada kata yang lebih indah kecuali jutaan rasa syukur Hamba kepadamu. Tiada sanggup hamba yang penuh dosa ini menyusun dan merangkai ungkapan syukur atas keagunganMU yang tiada terkira, segala cinta hanya disandarkan pada-MU semata. Jika bukan karna ridho dan karuniaMU hamba tidak dapat apa-apa.

Shalawat dan salam selalu tercurah limpahkankan hanya untuk idola kita semua, tuntunan kita semua Rasul Muhammad SAW. Kami merindu dan memohon agar syafaatmu nanti menuntun kita semua ke taman surge-NYA . amiin yaa Robbal ‘alamiin.

Salam Blogger saya ucapkan untuk seluruh teman-teman kampus, situs-situs web yang menyediakan tutorial-tutorial cara bikin blog, dan semua teman-teman blogger yang pernah berkunjung ke web, saya bias membuat blog saya sampai seperti sekarang ini, meski sangat jauh ………………………………………….. sekali dari kesempurnaan tapi saya sangat senang dan bangga dengan diri saya karna bagi yang belum lama mengenal dunia blog saya bias membuat blog sampai seperti ini. Semoga Allah membalas amal baik semuanya. Amiin …

Ya allah …. Ampuni kami semua bila ada niat yang tiada engkau Ridhoi, luruskan hati kami, lindungi kami dari ilmu yang salah dan amal yang sia-sia. Kepada Mu kembali segala urusan, karuniakan kepada kami kebahagiaan didunia dan kebahagiaan di akhirat, dan kami berlindung dari siksa api neraka Mu. Amiin ….

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